Google announced that user experience (UX) will factor significantly into their site rankings starting in 2021. Google is calling this the Page Experience signal. This move aims to level the playing field so that the Davids can be at the top of the page with the Goliaths. Great news if you had been considering ramping up your site’s UX.
read moreThe quick response (QR) code has become one of the biggest symbols of the pandemic. According to Juniper Research report, some 5.3 billion QR code coupons will be redeemed by smartphones by 2022.
read moreChrome's HTTP warning seeks to cut web surveillance, tampering. As this becomes the industry stndard, you're going to see a rash of "not secure" warnings thanks to a new version of the Google browser that flags unencrypted sites. So Why haven't we been using HTTPS all along?
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