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1st Time Home Buyer Tax Credit Ended but Help Exists

July 17th, 2017 | by: Steve Pollack | Posted in : New Homes, Real Estate News, Economy

Looking for the first-time home buyer tax credit? You may be thinking of the federal program implemented under the Obama administration. We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it doesn’t exist anymore. However, don’t despair. To learn what happened to the first-time home buyer tax credit, and find where you could get help now for a first mortgage, read on.

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Drone Technology Benefits Real Estate Industry

July 11th, 2017 | by: SM Sold | Posted in : Real Estate News, New Technology, Real Estate Tips, Digital Trends

There are three key ways that drone technology is enhancing the real estate industry. Using new technology is always helpful for the industry as things grow and change. Drones have been a big part of the change in how listings can be presented to the public. Using drones can help reduce the time it takes to tour a property for potential buyers and can speed along the transaction.

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Technology is Changing the Real Estate Industry

April 24th, 2017 | by: Sara Johnston | Posted in : Real Estate News, New Technology, Real Estate Tips, Digital Trends

Real estate brokerages have been around for the last couple centuries and have operated in basically the same way during that time. It’s naïve to think the industry will stay this way for long however, with industry disruption the current goal of many tech startups recently. Technology is disrupting industries left and right, while also massively benefitting those same industries and individuals. Here are four things you need to adapt to as technology modernizes the real estate industry.

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