Social Media

Earth Day Celebrates 50 Years

April 22nd, 2020 | by: Steve Pollack | Posted in : Economy

Fifty years ago today, on the very first Earth Day, more than 20 million Americans took to the streets to protest the negative effects of industrialization on the planet we call home. Thus the modern environmental movement was born.

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How The Fed Rate Could Be Good For Some Luxury Market Sectors

July 26th, 2019 | by: Steve Pollack | Posted in : Luxury, Real Estate News, Economy

The U.S. Federal Reserve has moved the domestic and global markets in big ways: It has cut federal interest rates, also known as the federal funds rate, for the first time since the 2008 financial crisis, following a steady stream of rate hikes since 2015. The move would have a trickledown effect that may help “entry-level” luxury buyers and savvy real estate investors, or may encourage more foreign purchasers to look to the U.S.

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Bitcoin for Real Estate

February 7th, 2019 | by: Steve Pollack | Posted in : Real Estate News, Economy, Digital Trends

There are even some websites that are designed to provide real estate services for Bitcoin. Bitcoin Real Estate is a real estate marketplace that allows users to post properties for sale as well as buying criteria. BitPremier is intended to be a luxury marketplace for Bitcoin. In addition to purchasing real estate, users can use this site to buy cars, jewelry, and other high end goods.

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