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5 Easy Ways to Cut Summer Energy Bills

July 10th, 2013 | by: SM SOLD | Posted in : Real Estate Tips

The summer heat is slowly creeping up on us and usually that means the utility bills will rise. This summer do everything you can to keep your energy bill low with these helpful tips to reduce your air conditioning and fan spinning costs. Clean Filters

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Helpful Hints for Open Houses

June 1st, 2011 | by: SM SOLD | Posted in : Real Estate Tips

Timing  First and foremost, choose a date to conduct your open house that does not conflict with events being held in the neighborhood, holidays, or major sporting events.  Scheduling the very best date for a potential open house varies for ea

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Business Tools for Real Estate

May 10th, 2011 | by: SM SOLD | Posted in : Marketing, Real Estate Tips

Modern real estate productivity is becoming more heavily reliant on business strategies that utilize various forms of new technologies.  The recent convergence of media forms has been incorporated in the real estate world offering convenience and eff

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