We all remember the periodic table from Chemistry Class, the color diagram of elements organized by their atomic numbers, electron configurations and so forth. As much as you may have loved or hated it, it was a great visual aid to remembering all the key components to Chemistry Success. Think ahead, same logic but different factors: SEO.
Every time I seek to explain the importance of SEO I constantly refer back to the great visual aid @Search Engine Land creats each year. Search engine optimization is an encompassment of rewarding or dinging a web page for on-page and off-page factors.
According to the experts at Search Engine Land: On –Page Ranking factors are “the elements that are in direct control of the publisher: Content, HTML and Architecture.”
On- Page Factors:
For content, there are many components that affect the overall content ranking score. As you can see from the table: quality, research (keywords), words, engagement (social sharing), fresh content (relevant/up to date) , thin content and ad content are all encompassing factors that affect the overall content score.
With HTML, when the bots are deployed are your titles (containing keywords), Description (correct meta tagging) , Headers (Subheads and Keywords), Structure, Stuffing (keywords stuffing) and Hiding (color or font hiding words) up to standard of optimized html?
Finally, does your architecture meet code regulations? In other words is your site: crawlabe, is their duplicate content, site speed and in page URLS loading, and responsive on mobile and tablet? Keep in mind all these sub-factors; help create the final score of the main factors provided above.
Off-Page Factors
Not only do you need to worry about on page factors, you need to also worry about the Off-Page Factors in order to have optimal SEO success. Off page ranking is referred to anything that has an influence from readers, visitors and other publishers.
To begin, although link building is transitioning to a thing of the pass, it is still important to focus on the links you have, both natural and gained. Pre-qualify everything, it can actually hinder you to have poor quality links from non-trusted or respected sites (Keep this in mind when you’re doing a little spring cleaning) At the same respect, be conscious of the number of links pointing to your website. Last, when qualifying, take into account the paid and natural links. By paid, I mean the links you have purchased in hopes of increasing ranks. (Keep in mind- it is okay to pay for links), just follow the steps to assure you are not hindering yourself in the long run.
Most importantly is the authority of trust. Page rank authority of site ss significant, there are many tools, paid and free, that can help you decipher the authority of a page. Also look at the history and identity of the page. Finally, look into any previous flags the site may have gotten.
As most of you reading this are aware, social engagement has become a significant contender in overall marketing strategy. In addition to having a knowledge base of these social channels, make sure your comapny is meeting the guidelines and developmening a business strategy for social media marketing. Fianlly, be aware of reputation and number of shares. Monitor the times in which user are engaging.
Finally, it’s personal. Ranking can consist of the country site is in, local area, history of site visits/ social shared and favored.
For more information on the periodic table for success visit here.
*Information sourced and found from Search Engine Land: Search Engine Land\'s Guide To SEO .
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